Brand Campaign, Graphic Design, Animation

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The Johnson Legacy Center is a $5.3 million project that converts the former J.O. Johnson High School into a modern recreation hub. Not only is this state-of-the-art facility the first of its kind in Huntsville, but it is also part of the first major development in District 1 in decades.


Bold was tasked with creating a brand for the Johnson Legacy Center that was fresh and incited excitement for the development. The brand also needed build on the strong sense of pride that lives in the area.

It was incredibly evident from our kickoff meeting with key members of the City how important the development would be for the area. Initially, the development was going to be named the Johnson Legacy ‘Complex’. We suggested tweaking the name slightly to the Johnson Legacy ‘Center’ which better reflects a gathering point for the community.

The Build Out

Building off the sense of ‘gathering, community, building, center, etc.’ we developed 4 design directions for the identity. Each option was designed in a way that visually represented ‘connectivity’. However, one stood out among the crowd.

The Logo

The Johnson Legacy Center logo intertwines connectivity with a sporty edge. The dark blue and gold colors used are brightened tones of the previous J.O. Johnson High School athletic colors. It is a subtle nod to the history of the area.

The logo is responsive and can be arranged for various orientations. Knowing that it would be used for multiple digital and print/signage purposes, we felt that this was essential in the build-out phase.

The Messaging

When looking at a tagline for the center, our focus was to create something concise that highlighted the amenities of the facility and felt actionable. We flipped through the entire thesaurus searching for the right brand words.

Our result – ‘Achieve. Elevate. Recharge’.

At the Johnson Legacy Center, you can work to achieve your goals, elevate yourself on the climbing wall, and recharge through spa-like amenities.

Next, it was time to shift our focus to promotional materials. We were challenged to develop a set of promotional social graphics that displayed characters interacting with the logo. The result is a suite of illustrations that not only builds off of the tagline but also highlights the amenities of the facility.


The Johnson Legacy Center brand brings on a fresh take to a founded legacy. The Center’s grand opening took place on August 14 of 2020 with enormous support from the community. As the area takes on new development in the coming years, it will always have The Johnson Legacy to look to as one of the initial catalysts for positive growth.

Something Bold Coming Soon.