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About Us

Our Bold Team

We push our employees to be candid, hardcore doers, and creative activists. Being a part of Bold is less about the place and more about the purpose. As a team of creative champions, we believe every design should be wow-worthy, functional, and original.

At Bold, we are brand challengers – constantly adapting to meet the ever-changing industry standards. We seek what is best for our clients and our collective team rather than what is best for ourselves.

At Bold, we thrive in a team environment, collaborating and growing with each other. We believe that our team is what makes Bold great, not just one individual.

Bold Impact

Every year, Bold Agency partners with a local non-profit organization on a creative campaign that aids in the organization’s fundraising or brand awareness.

We believe that in order to cultivate our creative community, we must elevate our team and peers. At Bold, we are committed to leading positive change that uplifts our local community and industry:

  • Semester-based internship program for college and university students across the southeast
  • Bold Mentors: A high school mentorship program built for creatives seeking more before diving into the unknowns of our industry

Community support doesn’t stop with creatives. Over the past five years, Bold has supported the City of Huntsville through a variety of projects. Working with the city has allowed us to support Huntsville’s multifaceted community, bringing life to events like Women in Music Week, the Johnson Legacy Center, and the Huntsville Sports District. 

Design Week Huntsville

Design Week Huntsville is a multifaceted week-long event series that unites designers from different industries, agencies, students, and young professionals, etc. together to promote and discuss great design in our city.


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