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Kicking Ass and Building Bold Brands®️

Your favorite strategic creative agency just received their second trademark!

Why is this a big deal? 

Bold Brands®️ reflects both the external and internal culture that we have, the type of clients that we work with, and the type of work that we do. We work with and build bold brands. We can build from the ground up or support refreshing already established. Other National-sized agencies use the term “Bold Brands” in their copyrighting and their pitch decks. Their name could be something completely different, their company name could be completely detached from that statement, but for us, that’s who we are.

“Trademarking establishes ourselves as owners of that phrase to really hone into the DNA of our agency that we are ‘Bold’… We felt that it was necessary to go about trademarking it because it allows us to really separate ourselves as leaders of that statement.” – Lauren Gowins, Founder and CEO.

What does a registered trademark mean?

Trademarking Bold Brands®️ allows Bold Agency to take full ownership of the statement. It’s a statement that can now be completely unique to the company, thereby preventing other agencies to use the term.

Read more about our Bold move on 256 Today!

Bold Brands®️

A bold brand is fearless- unafraid to change, try new things, or standout. These brands are cutting edge, change makers dedicated to leading their industries and disrupting the expected.

Get to know some of Bold Agency’s Bold Brands®️: